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9 Important Reasons to Make Your Staff Want to Stay

Writer's picture: SunrockSunrock

In today’s fast-paced workplace, it is harder than ever to hold onto staff members, with job changes becoming a more regular occurrence. If you wish to combat this statistic, then here are some things to take on board.

Communicate regularly

You should always keep up a good communication with your employees. Give feedback so that they know where they stand. Always be clear and encouraging.

Staff bonuses

Incentives and bonuses always help with staff motivation. The nature of the reward depends on the individual. Recognise specific achievements and progress which they have made.

Understand what makes different generations tick

When it comes to Millennials, or Gen Z, they will have different things that keep them interested. Instead of fighting against them, listen to where they are coming from and try to make a way of moving forwards.

Office atmosphere

Employee wellbeing should not be underestimated. Make sure that the office is a good environment to work in. Monitor any office politics.

Employee growth

If your workers feel like they are not being given an opportunity to grow, then they may start to look elsewhere to move up the career ladder.


Make sure your employees’ salary matches what they bring to the table. Are you undervaluing your staff compared to other companies? Do job roles expect your staff to do too much for too little pay?

Offer a sense of direction

Set clear targets for your staff to go for. A lack of any goals could lead to confusion or the feeling of a lack of purpose in the company.

Keep good relationships with your staff

Make sure you keep a two-way relationship with your staff. Don’t shut off and just be a boss. Listen to any feedback your employees may have as well.

Work / life balance

Try and find the right balance so that your staff do not feel overworked and exhausted. Millennials particularly prefer a flexible routine so they can maximise their home and their professional life to the fullest.

Want More?

If you found this blog useful, then we recommend you take a read through some of our other posts. In the past we have written about topics including are you engaging enough with your job applicants, low morale in the workplace and mindfulness: working in the present moment.

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